Category Archives: kodak ultramax 400

Perth Street Art

The street art scene in Perth has increased quite a bit. The local government has commissioned international artists to work all over the city. I usually dont like taking photos of other people’s work, so I try to take it in my own point of view. Sadly I do not know who the artists are and thus cannot give them credit. If you recognize any of the artist work please let me know. The films I used are Agfa Precisa CT, Kodak Ultramax 400 and Agfa Vista 400 & 200. All taken with the little Canonet QL17 GIII.





Fremantle Beach

Part of my Beached As series. Went and drove to Fremantle one weekend with my Canonet loaded with Kodak Ultramax 400. Planning to make a book out of it after a year or so of going around beaches 🙂
























I have began exploring film as a creative medium rather than just something to capture a moment while out and about. Seeing Rebecca Norris Webb and Ralph Eugene Meatyard work has opened up a whole other realm of photographic possibilities.

All the shots are from the same roll of Kodak Ultramax 400. The last shot is the first time I have tried using film for long exposure work. I used an app as a lightmeter which thankfully worked out. I love how film creates  such unpredictable colours and effects.







I really enjoy photographing strangeness. An exploration which has carried on from my architectural dissertation on “Uncanny Spaces”, where I explored the mental spaces of my childhood. Spaces which were not of delight but of terror.  I mapped these rooms as part of my spatial history (included in this post), trying to capture the emotion I felt while occupying each room.

Studio work space where I tried to figure out what the hell I was doing.


Growing up in the Philippines, there were certain areas in the house that really got to me. I felt as if these spaces were alive. The Philippines is predominantly a Christian majority with a strong belief in spiritual beings, the good and evil kinds.

10 Commandments mixed with the all seeing eye.


Extended threshold of fear
Extended threshold of fear. The main circulation core where doors face a stairway which leads to the ground level. Limited light created dark spots and areas. A large mirror was located on the stair landing which evoked phantoms.



Stories of creatures and spirits are a big part of the culture and the feeling that I shared my home with phantoms were visceral experiences. I should perhaps elaborate on what I define as a home at that time. I lived inside a catholic school compound where I spent most of my childhood playing and going to school. During day time it was a blast, student’s and teachers were about, filled with activity and life. But as school finished up and the large compound with lots of empty rooms became silent, the atmosphere changed. It was not uncommon to invite the local priest to come and bless the school.


 ‘Dark is the hour!’ ‘Aye, and cold.’
‘Lone is my house.’ ‘Ah, but mine? ‘
‘Sight, touch, lips, eyes gleamed in vain.’
‘Long dead these to thine.’

Ghost by Walter de la Mare




I linked this back to Sigmund Freud’s essay “The Uncanny”. One that stems from the definition of  the German word “Heimlich” which translates to homely in English. He goes through its etymology by using two 19th Century dictionary’s and also looks at it’s use in literature. In particular the Grimm’s fairytales and highlights the literary definition of Heimlich ultimately changes to that of “Unheimlich” / unhomely.


In essence the home that is secure, safe and familiar can be viewed as something that is private and unknown.


Kitchen Window looked out into a dark corridor. All I could hear were people talking, footsteps etc.

This unknown morphs into the mystic and unseen becoming unheimlich or Unhomely. This blur, liminal point is that which is Uncanny.

Heimlich (a) Familiar                 Unheimlich (a) Unfamiliar

Heimlich (b) Secret                   Unheimlich (b) Revealed

The strangely familiar. Freud’s essay goes onto giving examples of fantastical tales which evoke the feeling of Uncanny, from Automaton’s to doppelgangers just to name a few.

Portal – The large mirror placed on the stair landing always brought fear that one day I see a reflection of the unknown inhabitants.

Anthony Vidler also explores the Unhomely in his paper “The Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely”, specifically focusing on the Architectural unhomely aspects of the uncanny. Vidler uses Edgar Edgar Allan Poe’s “The fall of Usher” as one of the Haunted houses as an example and describes the uncanny arises from the “normality of the setting” and the absence of overt terror” resulting in a “disturbing unfamiliarity of the evidently familiar”. Poe’s description of the blank deteriorating walls and its lifeless eyes for windows makes us identify with our own mortality and the ultimate effect of time to all things.

Textured and green corridor
Textured and green corridor


I find photographically I am drawn to these sort of spaces. From gritty alleys, to desolate abandoned places were Urbanex photography arises. Two years ago I came across the term “Thanatourism” which according to good old wiki is “Dark tourism (also black tourism or grief tourism) has been defined as tourism involving travel to sites historically associated with death and tragedy.” Urbanex I think is the photographer’s version of this fascination, as we break into abandoned mental asylums or take photos of models in run down place filled with grafitti.


My last year’s trip to the Philippines again reminded me of the type of rawness I grew up in and which I identify with whenever I see a dark gritty alley. The textures, colour, decay, and use is like a patina over the buildings.



Light Leakage
Light Leakage


I do find these sort of images in Australia albeit much more difficult. I shoot and post a range of images but these sort are  the most personal to me.  The next images are all shot here in Australia. Thanks for reading. Hope I have not scared you guys off.









The Beautiful People



Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH



Mount Henry Bridge_glove



Beached As

Since coming back from the Philippines and shooting a local beach I have always wanted to shoot the beaches here in Aus.

I finally got the chance a couple of weeks ago when I visited Floreat Beach. It was a welcomed break from walking the concrete streets of Perth.

Mind you it is currently winter in Australia so the water would have been freezing but there were still people swimming and surfing.


untitled-8I love how the blues were rendered by Kodak Ultramax. It really captured the mood. I have three more rolls to develop and they wont be the last! I feel like a beach project is developing 🙂 Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy the images.


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